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Privacy Policy for Formula Countdown

Last updated: 30.01.2024


Welcome to Formula Countdown ("we," "our," or "us"). This Privacy Policy is intended to inform you about the collection, use, and protection of your information when you use our mobile application and services ("App").

By accessing or using the App, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the App.

1. Information We Collect

Apple Analytics: Our App utilizes Apple's analytics services to collect anonymized and aggregated information about App usage, performance, and user engagement. This information helps us understand how users interact with the App and improve its functionality.

2. Use of Information

We use the information collected through Apple Analytics for the sole purpose of improving the App's performance, user experience, and overall functionality. We do not collect or process any third-party data, and we do not use location services.

3. Security

We take reasonable measures to protect the information collected through Apple Analytics from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is completely secure. Therefore, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

4. Your Choices

As the App does not collect personal information directly and only utilizes Apple Analytics, you have limited options for data control. You can manage your device settings related to the App and control the sharing of analytics data with Apple.

5. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. The latest version will be posted on the App, and the effective date will be indicated.

6. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at: [email protected]